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Scott Knott Test Based Effective Software Effort Estimation through a Multiple Comparison Algorithms
The rapidly increased need for managers is to settle Software Cost Estimation (SCE) for large scaled complex systems. The SCE is one of the most vital activities that is closely related with the success or failure of the whole development process. The Proposed system is a statistical framework based on a multiple comparison algorithms. The cost estimation model identifies the differences in accuracy of data set, and also clusters it into nonoverlapping groups. Different software effort estimation models are used and these models have been developed for specific development environments and lead to support specific software development methodologies. Specific technologies are not bound in modern software development methodologies. To overcome this problem a system is proposed to improve cost effort estimation methods and then compared using appropriate statistical procedures for ensuring the appropriate results. An intelligent Expert System is developed which supports all type of software development regardless of their type either using a conventional computer languages or a component based visual languages.
N.Padma priya, D.Vidyabharathi
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