ISSN: 2322-0066

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Short Communication Open Access

Seasonal Variation of Carbohydrate, Protein and Lipid of Common Freshwater Edible Gastropod (Bellamya bengalensis) of Medinipur District, West Bengal


 This proximate study was carried out to determine the seasonal variation of carbohydrate, protein & lipid of common fresh water gastropod Bellamya bengalensis in nine selected study sites of Medinipur. For biochemical analysis, shell of the gastropods were removed, flesh were dried with filter paper to avoid the outer water content. The study revealed that protein was much higher than carbohydrate & lipid (mg %) in all nine study sites in all seasons. Protein (17.20 ± 1.78) carbohydrate (13.12 ± 0.74) and lipid (4.83 ± 0.017) were the maximum during Premonsoon period than to Monsoon & Post Monsoon period. Protein, carbohydrate, lipid were the maximum during Pre-monsoon period than monsoon & post-monsoon period. 

Ranajit Kumar Khalua1a, Satyajit Tripathya, Bhagyasree Paul, Debabrata Bairy

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