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Secure Data Transmission in MANETS Using ELIPTIC Curve Cryptography
MANET is a collection of wireless mobile nodes forming a network without using any existing infrastructure. There are various challenges that are faced in the Adhoc environment. These are mostly due to the lack of resources of these networks. The solutions for conventional networks are usually not sufficient to provide efficient Adhoc operations. The wireless nature of communication and lack of any security infrastructure raise several security problems. Enhanced Adaptive Acknowledge (EAACK) one of the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) mechanism which increases the integrity IDS of using digital signature.ACK digitally signed before its reach destination. In EACCK chances to make false acknowledgement. EACCK uses DSR routing protocol for identifying the route.DSR causes more Routing Overhead. Instead of DSR, AODV is used for route discovery. AODV has potentially less routing overhead than other protocol and AODV route replies only carry the destination IP address and the sequence number. The advantage of AODV is that it is adaptable to highly dynamic networks. Eliptic curve cryptography (ECC) can be developed in order to make the path more secure and also used to eliminate the requirement of pre-distributed keys. Key exchange (also known as "key establishment") is a method by which cryptographic keys are exchanged between users, allowing use of a cryptographic algorithm. If sender and receiver wish to exchange encrypted messages, each must be equipped to encrypt messages to be sent and decrypt the messages received.
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