ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Secure Network Connectivity in the Cloud Computing Environment
In this paper, we propose a secure network connectivity between on-premises and cloud through a novel services. To provide dynamic scalability for various applications, there has been an increasing trend in business organizations to outsourcing their data to remote cloud at Cloud Service Provider (CSP). Meanwhile, once data goes into cloud they lose control of their data, which inevitably brings new security risks towards identity and access control in cloud computing environment. Hence, efficient and effective connectivity is needed, such as relayed connectivity and direct connectivity to avoid security risks between cloud roles and external machines. Here, we discuss how the cloud delivery models maps to the components in an IT infrastructure. This paper elaborates various services provided by cloud operating system, extending relational database server to the cloud and Cloud Services for building distributed, connected applications. Cloud service architecture, its services and inter-role communication for cloud computing platform. These are the foundational building blocks for all cloud applications. In addition, in order to provide cloud-centric building blocks and infrastructure in the areas of secure application connectivity used by Service Bus and Access Control services, designed specifically to the cloud. All external connections come through a load balancer, which is a key to Cloud computing. Here’s the two main areas of compute and storage functionality as a cloud service. The contribution of the paper is to understand how the on-premises service connects to the relay service through an outbound port and creates a bidirectional socket for communication tied to a particular rendezvous address when you need direct synchronous communication.
Chinta.ChandraSekhar, Chintada. Srinivasa Rao
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