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Secure Top-K Query to Variably Encrypted Signature in Tiered Sensor Networks
Storage nodes are predictable to be located as an intermediate tier of huge scale sensor networks for caching the composed sensor readings and responding to queries with benefits of influence and storage reduction for standard sensors. Nevertheless, an essential issue is that the compromised storage node may not only source the privacy problem, but also arrival fake/curtailed query results. We propose a graceful yet competent dummy reading based anonymization constitution, beneath which the query result steadfastness can be certain by our proposed verifiable top-k query (VQ) schemes. Compared with accessible machinery, the VQ schemes have an essentially different design attitude and realize the lower communication complexity at the cost of slight exposure capability degradation. Analytical studies, geometric simulations, and archetype implementations are conducted to exhibit the practicality of our proposed methods.
P.Ramya, C. Nalini
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