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Research Article Open Access

Security in Cloud Computing using Cryptographic Algorithms


Cloud Computing is a set of IT Services, for example network, software system, storage, hardware, software, and resources and these services are provided to a customer over a network. The IT services of Cloud Computing are delivered by third party provider who owns the infrastructure. Benefits of cloud storage are easy access means access to your knowledge anyplace, anyhow, anytime, scalability, resilience, cost efficiency, and high reliability of the data. Because of these benefits each and every organization is moving its data to the cloud, means it uses the storage service provided by the cloud provider. So there is a need to protect that data against unauthorized access, modification or denial of services etc. To secure the Cloud means secure the treatments (calculations) and storage (databases hosted by the Cloud provider). In this research paper, the proposed work plan is to eliminate the concerns regarding data privacy using cryptographic algorithms to enhance the security in cloud as per different perspective of cloud customers.

Shakeeba S. Khan, Prof.R.R. Tuteja

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