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Research Article Open Access

Security System for the School Bus Using IP-based Camera


School buses generally serve as the first and last school function for millions of school children every school day. School bus is also a kind of a classroom where children learn positive and negative behavior. However, now a day‟s security for school children even in the school has become a major issue, hence, there is a need of security system for school children in school bus. So, many school managements want to provide security to children in school bus with the help of a system using which they could have the continuous visibility and monitoring of school buses. In this paper, we present the design and development of a security system for schools by deploying an IP based camera inside the school buses, and making it viewable / controllable by the authorized people of the school management through an android device. Also the system enable the IP based camera to upload the videos and pictures captured on to a private cloud platform of the school automatically as it enters the Wi-Fi zone of the school.

Chaithra.P, M.Dakshayini, Mahesh Premachandra