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Annual Meeting Abstract Open Access

Serum Tryptase as a marker of total Basophil compartment in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)-CP


Background: Basophilia has always been a marker of blast burden and treatment monitoring in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. However, due to possible misidentification and counting, overall all basophil burden can be wrong and hamper with treatment monitoring. Thus, there is a need for a biomarker which can be a good representative of basophil compartment in CML. Methodology: 40 newly diagnosed CML patients were selected from Medical oncology Hematology OPD of AIIMS, Rishikesh based on their baseline BCR-ABL status. Baseline basophil count was calculated and Tryptase levels were measured on all patients and statistical analysis was done using SPSS software. Results: Peripheral baseline basophil levels showed a significant correlation with baseline tryptase levels (p<0.01) and tryptase also correlate with EUTOS score, which has basophil count as one of its important parameters. This may signify that tryptase levels can be a marker of basophil count in CML.

Manisha Naithani

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