Should Early Childhood Education be Mandatory?
Early education has been an option in place for a long while. Loads of success has been credited towards our fellow early education programs. Early education programs don’t just focus on the child’s learning environment, but also emphasizes your child’s literacy, social, emotional, and physical development by laying the foundation. Early childhood education also supports the upbringing of actual morals, increased self-esteem, and the mentality for problem solving skills and conflict resolution. In addition, such programs like this support healthy physical development. It guides children to think with the goal of creating opportunities for themselves to excel in a safe, secured, clean and nurturing environment. You would think a program as successful as this that encourages our future young generation would already be required as a public policy, but it’s merely an option. Public policy refers to a policy made regarding certain issues addressed. What could be the issue then? Early education isn’t mandatory. Research has been done regarding the mandate of it, but nothing really has been done. I want to get to the bottom of this; looking at both the bad and the good. For the future generation to come, it is critical that we allow all children the opportunity to succeed with the mandate of early education.
Shade Akande
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