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Significance of TSC on Reactive power Compensation
The modern power system is a complex system consisting of a large number of different dynamic and static devices. With the increased loading of existing AC transmission systems, problems of voltage flicker and voltage stability have became important subjects in power systems. Better utilization of existing power system capacities by installing new devices such as Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) has become very important. In this paper, effects of Thyristor Switched Capacitor (TSC), which is one of shunt FACTS devices, on load voltages are investigated. The modeling and simulation of TSC are verified using the Matlab7.04® SimPowerSystems Blockset. The studied power system is a two-bus system with static and dynamic loads. The results show that significant improvement on reactive power compensation and bus voltage regulation could be achieved by using the TSC. INDEX TERMS: Flexible AC Transmission Systems, Thyristor Switched Capacitors, Compensation, Voltage Regulation, MATLAB.
B.Vamsi Krishna
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