ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Simulation of Photovoltaic Based Grid Connected Micro inverter Using CUK Converter
Many photovoltaic inverter designs make use of a buck-boost sinusoidal waveform. This waveform is unfolded by a low frequency switching structure to produce a fully sinusoidal waveform. The cuk converter could offer more advantages over the buck-boost in photovoltaic inverter applications. Unfortunately, the Cuk converter is difficult to control using classical methods. A perfect closed loop design is essential for stable operation of Cuk converters. Due to these stability issues, Cuk converter based designs often require stiff low bandwidth control loops. In order to achieve this stable closed loop performance, traditional designs invariably need large, unreliable electrolytic capacitors. In this project, a microinverter with PI and fuzzy based Cuk converter approach is presented which enables the designer to make use of the Cuk converters advantages, while improving the control difficulties. This control method allows the selection of passive components predominantly based on ripple and reliability specifications while requiring only one state reference signal. This method becomes smaller and more reliable.
Deebika.R, Shankarganesh.R
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