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Simulation Study of Zigbee and Enocean Home Automation Standards
The major design challenge of home automation is to choose best standard for controlling devices in existing home environments without any changes in infrastructure. In previous years Zigbee was the promising technology for home automation. But now a day‘s Enocean is the new standard which competes with Zigbee. The temperature of the house is hard and complex to understand since a lot of factors has to be considered. Furthermore, the quality of the house including temperature control not only affects the house performance it also affects the human comfort in their house. In this paper temperature of the house is controlled by using Zigbee and Enocean because of their some features like low cost, low power usage and mesh networking. The work presented here is to show how we can implement Zigbee and Enocean model by using Matlab/Simulink. Some parameters of these technologies are also compared such as: delay, energy per packet and received signal strength indicator (RSSI).
Sukesha, Harneet Kaur
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