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Simulink Based Model for Analysing the Ziegler – Nichols Tuning Algorithm as applied on Speed Control of DC Motor
This paper presents the implementation of PID controller in speed control of DC Motor. Due to its simplicity, robustness and successful practical application, PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controllers have become most widely used controller in the industry. There are several different methods through which the PID controller can generate automatic control efficiently. In this paper, the tuning method used for the proposed speed control model of DC motor is Ziegler-Nichols (ZN) tuning algorithm. Here, a computer based model (using SIMULINK) is furnished for obtaining the apt output during the speed control of a dc motor. Now-a-days, dc motors have become the workhorse of the industrial sector due to their easy means of construction and maintenance. Therefore, the performance of the machine needs to be specified using computer aided programs and the control strategy best suited here is PID.
Bhaskar Lodh
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