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Case Report Open Access

Small Cell Lung Cancer Metastasis to Thyroid Gland


Small Cell Lung Carcinoma is an aggressive lung cancer with a prognosis that typically depends on its metastatic burden. The common sites of metastasis upon diagnosis are lung, liver, bone, brain and adrenal glands. This study reports the case of a 57-year-old female initially diagnosed with limited stage-small cell lung carcinoma. While the patient was undergoing treatment, two thyroid nodules were discovered on a re-staging Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography (PET-CT) scan. The patient underwent Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) of the larger nodule with indeterminate results, leading to a thyroidectomy. The nodules were both tumors, but were of differing pathology, making them a rare case of “collision tumors.” One of the tumors was small cell metastasis, which is uncommon in the thyroid. The patient is now being treated for recurrent extensive disease-small cell lung carcinoma. This case exhibits the indication for investigating the rare occurrence of thyroid metastasis in small cell lung carcinoma upon diagnosis, and during restaging.

Gianna Martini1*, Kimberly Nell, Tiffany Pompa

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