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Research Article Open Access

Smart Duo Approach - Detection and Removal of Sybil attackers in MANETs by Clump based Scheme


It is quite a challenging task to achieve security in Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) because of its open nature, high mobility of nodes, lack of infrastructure and central management. Sybil attackers as enters into the network they start to create multiple identities, by this each created identities also takes part in disrupting the network by participating in communication with legitimate nodes. This cause’s huge loss in network resources and this type of attacks are difficult to detect and control so quickly. So this makes a way for several researchers to design security based approaches to mitigate these problems. In this paper, first we focus on the issue to enhance the accuracy of Detection[2] process by Comparing threshold values as well as Node IP address and Certificate revocation[8][9] to cut off attackers from network so that attackers can be stopped from further participating in the network.

Mr. Suresh N, Mrs. Madhuri T

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