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Research Article Open Access

Smart Rail Track Director Based on PIC Microcontroller


The second largest in Rail network is our nation, India. The Railways is a complex network that they cover every nook and corner of the place. The trains run over the parallel tracks that guide them to a desired destination. This destination of each train is changed or diverted to link the different routes by manually operated electromagnetic systems and the mechanical lever pulling systems. These manual operated systems are subjected to fail on behalf of many basic reasons such as, human error, some problem in the diverting system, the mechanical lever system may get jammed and so on. These simple reasons lead to major disastrous accidents, collisions, which would destroy life and properties to greater extent. So it is very important to control these diverting systems in safe and in better way to avoid accidents. The best way of suppressing such accidents is by implementing automatic system of track changing. This system uses Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for such intellectual control. This RFID system senses the upcoming trains at a particular distance before the turnouts and actuates the track diverting systems completely by automation.

P.Santhini, B.Sahaya Jenila, D.Srimathi, M.Malarvizhi, S.Ashvini

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