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Research Article Open Access

Smoothing up the Research Proposal Submission through Research Proposal Generation Tool


Many government and non-government research funding agencies across the world are advertising continuously to encourage research activities. These agencies are used to accept the proposals from professionals and potential expertise. Accepted proposals are then evaluated and approved by technical experts committee to support best research proposal. Research proposals, requires both technical and non-technical details. Every funding agency has its own proposal format which needs to fill by research centre investigators. These proposals have to submit along with both technical and nontechnical information. Maintaining non-technical information like research center data, principal investigators data and past achievements record is very essential but it is time consuming. Again, presenting this information as per the proposal format requires efforts and time. It requires smoothing the process by mean of some assistant tools. In this paper we present the research proposal generation tool which maintains the both technical and non-technical information and generates the proposal as per the given format.

Dinesha H A Poonam U Rakesh R Sourabh V Savanur V.K Agrawal

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