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SNSC: Secure and Dependable Network Coding For the Storage Repair in a Cloud-Of- Clouds
Here, we present a proxy based storage system for fault tolerance multiple-cloud storage called NC(network coding), which overcome problems such as permanent failure and loss of data, lost data is repaired with the help of data redundancy. NC achieves cost-effective repair for a permanent single-cloud failure, it is built on top of networking coding based storage scheme called the storage regenerating code(SR) unlike traditional RAID-6 used for fault tolerance and data redundancy SR use less repair traffic and hence incur less monetary cost, and greater response time performance in normal cloud operation such as, upload/download. Implementation of a proof-of-concept prototype of NC and deploy it atop both local and commercial cloud. Proof-of-concept is designed to determine feasibility ,but does not represent deliverables is also known as proof of principle. It is used to check system requirements, such as how system can be integrated or throughput can be achieved through a given configuration. Key feature of SR code is that we release the encoding requirement of storage nodes during repair, to make regenerating code portable to any cloud storage it is desirable to assume only a thin-cloud interface, where storage node only need to support the standard read/write functionalities.
Mohan Kumar G, Neelu L
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