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Research Article Open Access

Software for analysis and design of concrete sheet pile quay wall with relieving platform – RELPT6.0


The analysis and design of sheet pile structure involves problems of complex soil structure interaction. The actual performance of the sheet pile for the given site conditions is found to be very difficult to predict as it is influenced by various parameters such as, the angle of internal friction, position of the ground water table, position of anchor, density of soil, tidal variation, surcharge load, type of construction etc. Sheet pile quay wall with relieving platform is suitable wherever unsuitable soil prevents usage of conventional anchorages and large superimposed loads from super structure requiring bearing piles to support them. The analysis of sheet pile wall with relieving platform for layered soil is based on the iterative technique, which when performed manually can be extremely tedious. A software RELPT6.0 has been developed based on the deterministic classical design approach for the analysis and design of sheet pile wall with relieving platform, adhering to the Indian standard codes; using Visual basic 6.0. The software provides the embedded depth required for the stability of the sheet pile quay wall, loads on each pile and the structural design of the cross section of the quay wall, supporting piles and the platform. The software is event driven and extremely user friendly with graphical outputs, which enables the user to analyze the outputs more accurately. The outputs of the software are compared with the manually obtained results and the variation is found to be quite small. This paper presents an outline of the procedure adopted for the analysis and design of analysis and design of sheet pile quay wall with relieving platform using RELPT6.0.

Binumol.S, Subba Rao and Arkal Vittal Hegde

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