ISSN: 2321-6204

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Research Article Open Access

Soxhlet Extraction and Physicochemical Characterization of Mangifera indica L. Seed Kernel Oil


Due to the abundance of Mangifera indica L. (mango) in virtually every part of Nigeria and considering its high consumption, this work was carried out to determine the potential applications of the waste seed kernel by investigating the physicochemical characteristics of its extracted oil content. The oil content was extracted using Soxhlet apparatus, and the physicochemical characterization was done using standard methods. The physicochemical parameters of the extracted oil were as follows: free fatty acids (78.9 11.25%), peroxide value (65.7 1.16 meqH2O2), acid value (5.8 0.25 mg KOH), iodine value (39.6 0.73 gI2/100g), saponification value (142.9 2.07 mgKOH/g) and specific gravity (2.18 0.01). The Mangifera indica L. seed kernel oil was observed to be golden yellow in colour, solid at room temperature and has a pleasant odour when fresh and unpleasant when rancid. Mangifera indica L. seed kernel has very low oil content of 8.27%, the oil contain unsaturated and saturated fatty acids. Justification of the use of the seed kernel oil for food, and cosmetic was expatiated.

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