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Space Vecor Modulated Three Level Neutral Point Clamped Inverter Using A Single Z Source Network
The Neutral Point Clamped (NPC) three-level inverter with Z-source network is a relatively recent converter topology that exhibits both voltage-buck and voltage-boost capability. This concept can be applied to all acto- ac, dc-to-dc, ac-to-dc, and dc-to-ac power conversion whether two-level or multilevel. However, multilevel inverters offer many benefits for higher power applications. Existing publications have shown the control of a Z-source flying capacitor inverter using the carrier-based modulation technique. This paper presents the control of a neutral point clamped three-level inverter with Z-source network using the space vector modulation technique. This gives a number of benefits in both implementation and harmonic performance which enables the operation of the Z-source arrangement to be optimized and implemented digitally without introducing any extra commutations.
R.Arjunan, D.Prakash
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