e-ISSN: 2321-6190 p-ISSN: 2347-2294

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Review Article Open Access

Spirulina a Blue Green Algae as Growth Enhancer in Fishes


Spirulina a blue green algae has several benefits of using in aquaculture. Compound feeds are in desperate need of fish meal and fish oil substitutes because of the growing costs and the desire to support sustainable fisheries. In fish feed, spirulina, a filamentous blue green microalga, might take the place of more costly animal proteins. Spirulina's protein concentration (58 percent) is higher than that of other regularly utilized plant sources, making it an excellent source of protein. As a result, it may be utilized in fish feed as an alternate protein source. For most fish feed, spirulina is used as a supplement to fish meals and as an alternative to a fish meal. Spirulina has been studied as a fish feed for various fish species.

Hafsa Javeed

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