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Static and Dynamic Response Analysis for Landing Gear of Test Air Crafts
Stress analysis plays very important role in finding structural safety and integrity of assemblies. The prior estimation of stress helps in finding suitable material and geometrical dimensions. Even optimisation of dimensions are possible with stress estimates along with factor of safety calculations. Factor of safety indicates the safety margin of the designed structure which indicates how much the structure is overdesigned and how safe the components are. Landing gear is the most important component in the aircraft system and it is observed from the literature that majority failures of aircraft structure takes place due to malfunction of landing gear. In the present work, a landing gear is cad designed and analysed for structural safety for static and spectrum loads. The maximum possible loads which are given as design loads are applied through RBE3 connection at the axle end spreading to wheel base. Initially present material Aluminium is used to check the strength of the landing gear for self weight, static loads, Modal Conditions and shock spectrum loads as per mil standards. The results shows higher stresses and deflections with aluminium material.
Mohammed Imran, Shabbir Ahmed.R.M, Dr. Mohamed Haneef
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