ISSN: 2320-2459

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Research Article Open Access

Structural, Optical Investigation of Manganese Oxide Thin Films by Spray Pyrolysis Technique


Thin films of MnO2 are well suited for Electrochromic Photo-Voltaic (ECPV) effect and superconducting phenomenon (such as solar cells) due to its electrical and optical properties. MnO2 thin films were prepared on glass substrate using a simple and low-cost chemical spray pyrolysis technique at different substrate temperature. The MnO2 films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmittance and ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) optical spectroscopy. The XRD pattern reveals that MnO2 films possess a cubic structure. The transmittance activity of the sample was carried out by optical absorption studies. The indirect band gap of the material increases with increase in temperature. The dynamic of ion exchange was studied with CV, CA and CE. The maximum colouration efficiency observed is 17 cm2/C.

Bhargande SK, and Patil PS

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