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Research Article Open Access

Study of HPC Applications on Intel Knights Landing


There has been extensive research pertaining to the field of HPC as Research Applications requires huge amount of computation and resources to carry out these computations. Parallel computing helps reducing computation costs, wherein time complexity decreases. This is a study in the field to survey the various researches done so far to optimize HPC applications using Intel Knights Landing, a many-core processor that delivers massive thread and data parallelism with high memory bandwidth. It delivers high performance on parallel networks and extends the reach of applications that have demonstrated the ability to fully utilize the scaling capabilities of Intel Xeon processor-based systems and fully exploit available processor vector capabilities and memory bandwidth. This is our attempt at making a foundation to base our hypothesis so as to make our own effort into optimizing a molecular dynamics application.

Shruti Dogra*, Akshika Borwankar, Vinod Pachghare, Nisha Kurkure and Goldi Misra

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