e-ISSN No.:2581-3897

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Research Article Open Access

Study of Milk Production Traits of Rathi Cattle Under Organized Farm Management Conditions in Rajasthan


A study was conducted on the performance records of 524 Rathi cattle maintained at Livestock Research Station, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Bikaner and 892 Rathi cattle maintained at Livestock Research Station, Nohar, Hanumangarh district. To take account for genetic as well as environmental trend, the whole data were grouped into four periods according to date of birth for age at first calving as P1 (1974-1983), P2 (1984-1988), P3 (1989-1993) and P4 (1994-2002) assuming that yearly variations within the period were minimum. The whole data were grouped into four periods according to date of calving as P or PI (1978-1987), P2 or PII (1988-1993), P3 or PIII (1994-1997), P4 or PIV (1998-2008). The three seasons were summer S1 (March to June), monsoon S2 (July to October) and winter S3 (November to February). The overall Standard Lactation Milk Yield (SLMY) was observed to be 1726.08 ± 112.621 liters, peak yield 9.02 ± 0.066 liters, lactation length 275.49 ± 4.655 days, dry period 154.46 ± 5.530 days in the present investigation. The effect of period of calving on lactation yield and the effect of on lactation length was found to be highly significant (P≤0.01). The study suggested that period of calving and season of calving affects lactation yield and lactation length respectively in Rathi cattle.

Dhaka C.S, Kachwaha R.N, Basant Bais

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