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Study of Standard Techniques for Mitigating the Intrusion Events in Mobile Adhoc Network
With the proliferation of Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) system, the era of networking has undergone massive revolution. But still various issues associated with this types of infrastructureless system are not yet solved effectively. Security is the prime concern for majority of the wireless networking system where the situations turns out more worst when it comes to MANET due to their inherent dynamic topologies. The past decade has seen evolution of massive set of research work that has prioritizes security concern towards safeguarding the communication system over MANET considering various types of attack and intrusion models. However, even with majority of the effective and standards studies on techniques for mitigating security exists, MANET still encounters various types of lethal intrusion threats. This paper consolidates only the effective standard techniques that have been adopted in the past studies
Sangeetha.V, Dr. S.Swapna Kumar
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