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Research Article Open Access

Study on Effect of Injection Opening Pressure on the Performance and Emissions of C I Engine Running on Neem Methyl Ester Blend as a Fuel


The present day internal combustion engines are operating essentially on petroleum based fuels, which are non- renewable in nature and lead to depletion in short period due to its indiscriminate use in different fuels. Renewable agriculture based, non- edible oils like pongamia, mahua (Maduca Indica), neem, jatropha oils etc. can be used as an alternative fuel in CI engines. In this investigation, neem oil methyl ester was prepared by transesterification using NaOH as catalyst and tested in 4 stroke direct injection natural aspirated diesel engine. Tests are carried out at constant speed of 1500 rpm at different brake power and at three different injection pressures. Results showed that methyl ester Blend (B-20) performs well in running a diesel engine at 200 bar injection pressure, which is higher than the rated injection pressure of diesel operation 180 bar. The UBHC, and smoke level emissions are reduced and NOx is slightly increased in case of neem methyl ester blend with diesel (B20), compared to diesel mode of operation. The results reveal that brake thermal efficiency and fuel properties of methyl esters are comparable with diesel. Based on this study, methyl esters of neem oil can be used as a substitute for diesel in compression ignition engine.

Ramesha D.K., Vidyasagar H.N, 3Hemanth Kumar.P.

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