ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Study on Heavy Metal Distribution in the Coastal Environments along the Foremost Places of South-East Coast of India
The study of heavy metal distribution in coastal water and surface sediments is an important component in understanding the distribution levels as well as assessing the cause of anthropogenic influences on the marine ecosystem. During the last Twenty Five years, the coastal environment of southeast India had experienced intense developments in industry, urbanization and aquaculture. Several metals are known to be discharged frequently through industrial and domestic effluents along the southeast coast of India. The present study was carried out to determine the Heavy Metal Distribution in the coastal Waters and sediments of Mandapam, Thoothukudi, Arumuganeri and Kanyakumari Coasts. The sampling of coastal water and sediments was carried out from October 2013 to September 2014. The enrichment in the concentration of heavy metals in the samples that are close to the coastal areas indicated that higher concentration was due to the anthropogenic activities in the coastal area. Hence, this present study used to investigate the Heavy metal levels of contamination in this area, and also useful for further impact evaluation.
James Balgan Anand D, Dr. Mary Jelastin Kala S
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