e-ISSN No.:2581-3897
Study on kid rearing practices of respondents across flock size in north-west semi-arid region of Rajasthan, India
A study on 120 goat rearers was conducted on kid rearing practices in north-west semi-arid region of Bikaner district of Rajasthan. For the study two tehsils Khajuwala and Pugal were selected and from each tehsil, four villages were selected randomly. Various kid rearing practices like Cleaning of kid after birth, Disinfection of naval cord. Colostrum feeding, Duration of kid suckling, Solid feeding after birth, Deworming, Control of external parasite, Housing of kids, isolation, Stage of grazing were studied but the flock size was not affected significantly by all above mentioned kid rearing practices however. It was found that maximum goat keepers at 65.83 percent were not aware about Cleaning of kids after birth and only 3.33 percent were well aware about disinfection of naval cord. Colostrum feeding to kid and suckling of kid for more than 3 month was practiced by 98.33 and 62.50 percent goat rearers, respectively. About 74.16 percent respondents were not aware about control of external parasites. Isolation of kids was not followed by 92.50 percent respondents.
Vijay Kumar, Basant Bais
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