ISSN: 2320-2459

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Research Article Open Access

Studyof Ultrasonic Velocity, Densityand Viscosityin the Binary Mixturesof Benzyl Benzoatewith 1-Octanol andIsophorone


Ultrasonic velocity, density and viscosity have been measured using the standard techinques in the binary mixtures of benzyl benzoate (1) and 1-octanol (2) and isophorone (2). In the light of the excess parameters like excess adiabatic compressibility, excess internal pressure, excess enthalpy, excess activation energy etc. computed from the measured data, intermolecular interactions are estimated as strong AB interactions in both the mixtures. It is also observed that all the theories except FLT and VANDAEL have a sharp edge in predicting the velocities theoretically

J Glory, PS Naidu, N Jayamadhuri, and K Ravindra Prasad

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