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Research Article Open Access

Surface Plasmon Photo Detectors Based on Noble Metals


In this work, high sensitivity noble metals used in the Kretschmann configuration based photo detectors applied to detect the presence of biological and chemical species in solutions are investigated. The angle of incidence and film thickness dependencies of the surface Plasmon Polari ton resonance (SPPR) of gold, silver and copper by the Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) method are studied to monitor and evaluate the SPR reflectance angle and reflectivity change. The analysis of the electric field of the surface plasmon wave which appears at the interface between the metallic layer and the air is carried out by the finite element method (FEM). The simulation is performed using COMSOL Multiphasic software which supports FEM. The aim of the present study is to find the most suitable noble metal and its optimum thickness to improve the performance of the SPR photo detector.

Soulef Benghorieba1, Adil Bouhadichea1* and Sabah Benzeghdab2

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