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Survey on Auditing Mechanism for Preserving Privacy in Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is an arising technology which provide various services through internet. User can remotelystored their data on the cloud. And enjoying on demand high quality cloud applications without the burden of local storage and maintenance. But the user do not fell protected because data is stored at cloud required security and integrity. The data integrity verification is done by Third party auditor (TPA),who check the integrity of data periodically on behalf of the client. Many mechanism allow data owner as well as public verifier to perform integrity checking without retrieving entire data from cloud, which is called as public auditing.TPA verify the integrity of shared data in several auditing tasks would be very inefficient so that batch auditing mechanism is used. And also support for dynamic operations on data blocks i.e. data update, delete and append.
Harsha B. Patil, Prof. Yogesh S. Patil
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