ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Survey on Interactive Visualization and Navigation of Web Search Results
It argues for making use of text structure when retrieving from full text documents and presents a visualization paradigm called Tile-Bars. The result lists of popular web search engines represent retrieved documents with a title a brief textual summary and a URL into the conventional search result interface. A set of guidelines for the design of exploratory search interfaces. An thoughtful of the impact of categorized overviews on search tactics will be useful to Web search developers. The image in our model is the solar system with its planets and asteroids revolving around the sun. Position, shade, effort, and three-dimensional distance of objects in the visual space are used to represent the semantic relationships between a query and relevant Web pages. It deals with a certain session of optimization methods, based on conservative convex separable approximations (CCSA), for solving inequality-constrained nonlinear programming problems.
S.Sandhiya, P.Hemalatha
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