ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Survey on Recent Steganography Approaches
Steganography means hiding the secret message within an ordinary message and extraction of it as its destination. In the texture synthesis process here re-samples smaller texture image which gives a new texture image with a similar local appearance. In the existing system, work is done for the texture synthesis process but the embedding capacity of those systems is very low. In the project introduced the method SURTDS (steganography using reversible texture synthesis) for enhancing the embedding capacity of the system by using the difference expansion method with texture synthesis. Initially, this system evaluates the binary value of the secret image and converts this value into a decimal value. The process of embedding is performed by using the difference expansion techniques. Difference expansion computes the average and difference in a patch and embedded the value one by one. This system improves the embedding capacity of the stego image. The experimental result has verified that this system improves the embedding capacity of the SURTDS is better than the existing system.
Aishwarya Patil, Snehal Shekade, Chandni Sonawane, Kalyani Pawar, S. N. Bhosale
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