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Survey on Security Issues in Cloud Computing Enviro nment
Cloud has introduced a new concept of provision of on-demand resource to services on internet. Cloud provides an attractive model while allowing the service providers to save cost. It allows users to free themselves of tasks of resource management i.e. most efficient use of resources. It also allows centralization of information and resources so that the users can access them from anywhere using the internet. Generally the resources used to provide services belong to a third party. As the users don’t have to invest capital in such resources it decreases costs. Even though cloud model is lucrative, users have been hesitant in adopting it, the major reason being security concern regarding their private data. In this paper we discuss about various security concerns in cloud environment.
Rachna Jain, Gaurav Saxena, Anuj Madan, Saurabh Sharma, Nishant Pai
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