ISSN: 2319-9865
Symptom management of Breast cancer
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the United States and Europe. The treatments related to breast cancer produces many side effects, which are become health hazardous. Many of the cancer treatment result in large quantity of side effects occur in up to 90% of patients during treatment and can strive for months or years after treatment has come to an end. As the number of breast cancer survivors regularly increases, the need for controlling the side effects after the treatment should also grow.
Comprehensive geriatrics assessment (CGA) is a practioning tool for geriatricians and perform appropriate morphology of senior patients into independent and frail patients. Many of the reviews have evoluted the use of CGA in aged breast cancer patients but many of the studies need to be compared in the elderly breast cancer patients. CGA is an evident tool to stratify patients into healthy independent and decrepit patients. It gives a vision on prominent treatment and added chemotherapy options in this population. Comprehensive geriatrics assessment has been integrated as a screening and follow up tool for senior patients.
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