ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)

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Research Article Open Access

Synthesis and Curing Behaviors of Reactive Cellulose Esters from Renewable Resources


This study deals with synthesis and curing of cellulose esters from renewable resources. Cellulose esters bearing unsaturated groups were prepared from cellulose and fatty acid in LiCl/N,N - dimethylacetamide solution. The subsequent epoxidation produced cellulose esters with oxirane groups in the side chain. Th e resulting cellulose esters were cured by thermal treatment to give transparent films with gloss surface. FT - IR spectrum revealed that reactive groups in the side chains reacted with each other during the reaction to produce cross linked networ k structure . The universal hardness and Young’s modulus of the cross linked cellulose esters increased as a function of the number of reactive groups. The crosslinked cellulose esters also exhibited high glass transition and thermal d ecomposition temperatures. The de velopment of the bio - based material from cellulose and plant oil - based fatty acid would be highly expected to contribute to global sustainability

Takashi Tsujimoto, Yohei Nishiumi, Shiro Kobayashi

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