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Special Issue Article Open Access

TAKE DIVERSION Driving Directions with Taxi Drivers Intelligence


This paper presents a smart driving system by using the GPS enabled taxis and auto rixas. The GPS devices will update the vehicles positions with a specific period of time. The samples are taken for 2 - 3 months. We are using a routing algorithm to calculate the shortest and optimized path. The common problem in Indian road system was poor road direction and qualities and PWD works also interrupting the daily users travelling time. Users don't know where the PWD works are going on and when will it finished, we are going to propose a solution for the problem by using the backtrack algorithm. Our application will alert the user if there is any PWD work is going in the user’s destination path. Our backtracking algorithm will provide an optimized route for the user as an alternative path. If the PWD works was done the application will update itself. The PWD work updates were done by the staff at PWD or somebody else. For India this application will provide a smart solution for our worst road system.

Dr.J.Subashchandra Bose, S.Mohan Raj, Karthikeyan.T, Devaneyan.P, Kannan.M, Dharanikumar.S

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