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Taxonomy of E-Mail Security Protocol
The Email messaging is one of the most popular uses of the internet & the multiple internet user can exchange messages within short span of time using To (Original recipient), Cc (Carbon copy) and /or Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy) Facilities. Thus Email becomes the most popular application on the internet. It is also by far the most popular application on intra company networks. Securing e-mail is something that must be done by the users themselves, because they are the ones who will actually be sending & receiving the messages. However, security administrators can gives user the tools they need to be fighting the problems. S/MIME, PGP &PEM are very popular methods of encrypting e-mail .Email users need to be educated about security though because the popularity & functionality of e-mail is only going to increase.
Ankur Dumka, Ravi Tomar, J.C.Patni, Abhineet Anand
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