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Research Article Open Access

Testing Radio Network Controller (RNC) Userplane Using Wireshark Tool


The telecommunication domain is developing very rapidly to meet the demand of day to day increase in data rate need. For example initially UMTS data rate was up-to 2 Mbps now it increased to 48 Mbps. This directly implies that the features that are developed are also increasing very rapidly. This increase in data can again degrade the network performance. These new features have to be tested accurately before releasing them on to the real world. In this paper we propose a simple and easy method to test RNC UserPlane functionality using wireshark tool. Functionalities imply that the RNC is working as per the standards. In other words user data which RNC receives should not be dropped due to RNC (or within some tolerance). This project is carried out at Nokia.

Ranjith .S, Sisil John, Prakash Geol, M.B. Kamakshi