ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
The Amalgamation of NLP with Text Categorization
Text Mining (TM) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) are very closely related to each other. Though TM is not really associated with the semantic and the syntax of a language, it does try to link documents or unstructured data in such a way that at the end of the day we can say those documents are semantically closely associated. TM has a number of subtasks like Text Clustering, Text Summarizing, Text Categorizing, etc. In this paper we are discussing research related to converting a simple English language question to its equivalent Structured Query Language (SQL) statement for a novice to fetch information from a database. This tool that we have developed has been named the N-ELIDB – Natural English Language Query Interface to Database. This is a heuristic tool which after generating the SQL, tries to categorize the questions using the concept of Text Categorization. The previous part is for a normal user and the later part is for the Text Miner.
Amisha Shingala, Paresh Virparia, Anjali Jivani
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