ISSN: 2320-0189

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Research Article Open Access

The Complete Chloroplast Genomes of Asteraceae Species


Until now, twenty-seven Asteraceae complete chloroplast genomes were uncovered in the Gene bank. The highly conservative nature and slow evolutionary rate of the chloroplast genome demonstrated that it was uniform enough to perform comparative studies across different species but divergent sufficiently to capture evolutionary events, which makes it a suitable and invaluable tool or molecular phylogeny and molecular ecology studies. The researches about the size, genome content, LSC, SSC, IR- LSC/SSC borders, pseudogenes and DNA barcodes of these twenty-seven complete chloroplast genomes of Asteraceae were reviewed here. Based on the above information, the complete chloroplast genome of each species provides a more accurate relationship in Asteraceae and can be used as a more suitable marker for species identification.

Ying Zhang, Wei Guan, Xiaonan Zhang and Lei Li

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