ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
The Feasibility of SET-IBS and SET-IBOOS Protocols in Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Network
A wireless sensor network is a special kind of Ad-hoc network, consist of thousands of small devices which are called as sensor nodes used to monitor physical or environmental conditions Clustering is a critical task in Wireless Sensor Networks for energy efficiency and network stability. In the existing method, a secure data transmission for cluster-based WSNs is presented in which the clusters are formed in a dynamic and periodic manner. A two secure and efficient data transmission protocols for CWSNs is presented which is called SET-IBS and SETIBOOS, by using the identity-based digital signature (IBS) scheme and the identity-based online/ offline digital signature (IBOOS) scheme, respectively. But the drawback in the existing method is there may lead to leakage of user’s public key and secret key in the case of compromised users in the SET-IBS protocol and SET-IBOOS protocol is only efficient for the devices with high computational power. So, in order to overcome this problem an innovative technique is introduced which is called Enhanced Secure Data Transmission protocol which is used to improve the SET-IBS and SET-IBOOS protocol. In the improved SET-IBS protocol, to enhance the security a new secret key is created by using the master secret key for every identity. Also, to confuse the attackers, encapsulation algorithm is used. In this process, the two cipher texts are used: one is valid cipher text and another one is invalid cipher text. These cipher texts are encapsulated with the corresponding author’s encapsulated key. In order to improve the efficiency in the SET-IBOOS protocol, the improved SET-IBOOS protocol is proposed in which the online/offline attribute based encryption method is used. An experimental result shows that proposed method achieves high efficiency and high security.
R.Anbarasi, S.Gunasekaran
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