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Research Article Open Access

The review of health services in Charkh District of Logar Province, Afghanistan 2021


No previous reports have examined the state of health services in the Charkh district of Logar province in Afghanistan. Therefore, this study aimed to assess and evaluate the health services available in the Charkh district. A review study design was utilized, and a simple random sampling method was employed to select a population of 381 individuals from a total population of 40,492. Questionnaires were distributed to both private and governmental clinics within the district. The study also explored the accessibility of health services for various demographics, including children, women, and the elderly, across the entire district. Materials were used to assess the availability and accessibility of health services in the Charkh district. Out of the 381 randomly selected participants, 239 (62.7%) were male, with 20 participants falling within the 18-29 age group, 211 participants within the 30-59 age group, and 8 participants over the age of 60. Additionally, 18 participants were women, and 124 participants were children over the age of 12. Findings revealed that 18% of the population expressed satisfaction with the provided health services, while 69% expressed dissatisfaction. These results call for further prospective studies to validate these observations.

Abdul Ahad Ahadi, Nasreen Shinwari

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