The study of parabola
A parabola has three well-known characteristics: it is generated by crossing a plane with a conical, it is the location of equal distances from the centre and the directrix, and entering rays parallel to the direction are reflected to a specified point. The first two is commonly used as descriptions, while the third might be used as a replacement or characterization. Along with the focusing feature, we present an array of eight features that are all required for a curve to be a parabola. It's incredible how many different ways the parabola may be described. The conditions were chosen because of the variety of mathematical representations and the several proving procedures that appear to be the most educational or successful. None that utilise three aspects or require the input of another right circular cone were included in the, with the exception of circular. The requirements are demonstrated to be acceptable using algebra, triangle and circle geometries, differential equations, function equations, and sensible coordinate selections.
George Williams
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