ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Thecritical Event Monitoring In Wireless Sensor Networks Using Sleep Scheduling
In this project, I concentrate on critical event monitoring occur in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), most of the time small number of packets get transmit on network. When critical event occurs, an alarm message should be broadcast to the entire network as soon as possible. To elongate the network lifetime, in WSNs some sleep scheduling methods are always employed. Resulting in significant delay broadcasting, especially in large scale WSNs. In this project, I propose a novel sleep scheduling method to reduce the delay of alarm broadcasting from any sensor node in WSNs. I design two determined traffic paths for the transmission of alarm message, and level-by-level based wake-up pattern according to the paths, respectively. An alarm is quickly transmitted along one of the traffic paths to a center node, when a critical event occurs and then it is immediately broadcast by the center node along another path without any collision.
K. Somu, Mr. U.Gowri Sankar
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