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Research Article Open Access

Thermal Analysis of a Mobile Hot Cell Cask


A Mobile Hot Cell (MHC) Cask is subjected to a series of tests to be carried out on cask experimentally or demonstrated analytically as specified by relevant Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) & International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) codes (1), (2), for design approval. Thermal test is one of such test to be demonstrated on the cask to simulate postulated accident condition. A thermal test is demonstrated on MHC cask analytically in a manner as specified/suggested by relevant codes. The demonstration of thermal test is carried out by finite element analysis. Three tests have been carried out on MHC cask (1) steady state temperature distribution in cask without solar insolation, (2) steady state temperature distribution in cask with solar insolation and (3) thirty minute fire test followed by cooling at ambient temperature until temperatures in cask starts coming down in all the places. Objective of this test is to determine maximum surface temperature on cask in normal transport condition and finding temperature distribution in cask during fire and post fire condition. An estimate of percentage of molten lead is also presented

Jay Kalinani , Arvind Kumar R

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