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Research Article Open Access

Thermoplastic Obturation of Flattened Canals with Ultrasonic Vertical Condensation: A Microtomographic Analysis


Objective: To evaluate the obturation quality of mandibular molars flattened distal canals using ultrasonic certical condensatio (UVC) compared to the Continuous Wave of Condensation (CWC) technique through micro-Computed Tomographic (micro-CT) assessment.

Methods: Mandibular molars were micro-CT scanned for sample homogenization, and the volume and flattening (B-L/M-D>4) of the distal canals were determined. Thirty-six canals were then prepared with protaper gold instruments up to #F3 associated with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite, followed by passive ultrasonic irrigation. After instrumentation, the canal volume was determined in a new scan, and the roots were randomly divided and allocated to UVC and CWC groups. Fourteen days after obturation with gutta-percha and AH plus sealer, the specimens were scanned again to evaluate the filling quality.

Results: None of the fillings performed completely filled the canal area. Obturation values of 83.33% (UVC) and 89.97% (CWC) were observed; the Student’s t-test exhibited no significant difference between the techniques (P>0.05).

Conclusion: Under the conditions of this study, it was observed that none of the evaluated techniques was able to completely obturate the canals; nevertheless, UVC achieved similar results compared to the CWC technique.

Clinical relevance: Despite not being able to completely obturate the complex root canal anatomy, both techniques yielded satisfactory fillings. Ultrasonic vertical condensation could be an interesting clinical option for filling flattened canals, achieving a similar outcome to that of the continuous wave of condensation technique.

Caio Cesar Delfino Oliveira do Carmo, Carolina da Costa Galindo Barreto, Pedro Henrique Souza Calefi, Alinne Patierry Pacifico Oliveira Feitosa, Nilton Vivacqua-Gomes, Murilo Priori Alcalde, Rodrigo Ricci Vivan, Marco Antonio Hungaro Duarte, Bruno Carvalho de Vasconcelos*

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