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Threshold Based Fall Detection and Prediction Method Using Tri-Axial Accelerometer
Falls in the elderly have sometimes been serious medical and social problems. For this problem, by using of tri-axial accelerometer we can detect and prevents a patient from fall down when he/she is unconsciousness. This can detect and predict falls based on tri-axial acceleration of human heap and shoulder level. The acceleration time series extracted from human motion processes are use to describe human motions like walking, running etc are set up by using a support vector machine; it will classify falls and other normal motions. This output is connecting to ADC, it will convert analog to digital signal and then this digital signal is gives to the microcontroller. If any abnormal condition will occurs in any region, a smart mechanical airbag will allows enough time for compressed air to release so airbag will be open before a person falls to the ground. At the same time, this information will be send to a registered phone number via GSM Technology and we can identify the position of the user by GPS.
G.N.Swathi, M.Amarnadh
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